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Instrument Petting Zoo

Thanks to generosity from Pasadena Symphony Orchestra, Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra and Pasadena School District,  MelodiConnections was able to host "instrument petting zoo"dates for local elementary schools. Instrument petting zoo is an interactive and educational activity designed to introduce young children to different musical instruments. 

Our volunteers help out at these events with transporting the instruments to schools, teaching children to make sounds and play, and helping to wipe and disinfect after use.

We were able to offer a variety of instruments to explore, including string instruments such as violins and cellos, woodwinds like flutes and clarinets, brass instruments like trumpets and baritones, and percussion instruments like drums, xylophones, and many more. The kids are encouraged to participate in the hands-on experience so they can ​experience the sound and feel of each instrument. By plucking the strings of a guitar, blowing into a trumpet, or striking a drum, students have the opportunity to apply their musical knowledge from class to actual instruments.

Our goal is to allow the children to learn about the unique features of each instrument and appreciated the variety of sounds made. We also hope to spark interest in music and encourage exploration.  It allowed out participants to discover which instruments they might enjoy playing or learning more about and a fun way to introduce music to beginners!

We have had volunteers of all ages helping out at these events (middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, and other adults)! A sincere thank you to everyone who has supported our monthly events. Your generous time and dedication have made all of this possible.  Please contact us if you like to join MelodiConnections or volunteer!


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